Denied Surgery at Home, Canadian Women Set Mesh Excision in U.S.

A report appearing on CBC on Nov. 28, 2012 disclosed the plans of three Canadian women to travel to the United States to have their vaginal mesh device removed. This decision had been reached after the healthcare system of Saskatchewan did not agree to do the procedure for fear of further complicating the injuries.

According to these women, they have experienced serious complications resulting from the use of vaginal mesh devices to treat their pelvic organ prolapse. Shortly after their surgeries, the mesh started to erode to the other pelvic organs, causing debilitating pain and other adverse reactions.

They will be contracting the services of Dr. Shomo Raz, a urologist of the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) urology clinic. Dr. Raz has been considered the best at mesh excision due to his use of the innovative translabial ultrasound imaging.

The women appear desperate enough that they are willing to spend their own money for the procedure, if only to quickly end their misery. According to Ms. English, one of the Canadian women, “We are angry, we are sick, and we are in pain.” And she urges other women to educate themselves so they might not end up like them.

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Hindi-nagpakilala ayon kay ...

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